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Corruption abounds! Law makers have become blatant law breakers. Mainstream media is selectively silent. In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, join us to "Return Power to the People!" Awareness. Vigilance. Unite. Expose lies. Fight corruption. Think for yourself. PROTEST. Kill "Politically Correct" euphemism before it kills your freedom. Exercise & Protect your Constitutional rights! God Bless America! Sign up for Action Alerts. Subscribe to daily "News with Attitude!" Join the "Partisan Revolution"!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

You can't handle the truth, America!

Remember Jack Nicholson shouting to Tom Cruise that he, nor Americans could handle the truth in "A Few Good Men"?

"On the level of moral philosophy, the drama examines questions of duty, honor, patriotism, justice, and the rule of law." (Wikipedia)

We say, "I have a right to know!" But what happens when we're presented with information that doesn't suit our ideals? Do we truly question it's plausibility if it offends our senses? How often do we simply reject things we hear as false without bothering to check if they're true?

What happened to curiosity? Even when something sounds fantastic, don't you at least wonder if its possible?

If I say there's a conspiracy of silence in our government body and mainstream media that wants to keep "the people" ignorant & silent, some believe it, some are reluctantly beginning to believe it's possible, but many still reject it as a radical rant.

Do you remember during the first Iraq war when the news televised pictures of Kurds Saddam Hussein had killed with chemical warfare? Do you ever wonder why, when we have been fighting a war for over 6 years we haven't "seen" any of the evidence that isn't pleasant to our sensibilities from mainstream media? Last night the death count for our brave soldiers was 3025. I believe the count for those wounded was over 25,000. How much of the death and destruction has been shown by mainstream media? Do we have a right to know what's going on over there? Could we stand to see it in our face day after day for over 6 years? Would we have allowed the atrocity of this "war without end" to continue if we saw the evidence every day?

Ignorance is easily achieved if we allow our high ideals and sensibilities to close our minds and turn deaf ears to possibilities.

"News with Attitude" brings you information we have located through our extensive & exhaustive research. Our endeavor is to "hold & keep government accountable and return our government to, for and by the people".

Truths about crime, corruption and dishonor isn't usually pleasant to our sensibilities.

How long did it take the American people to accept that Richard Nixon had committed crimes?

So which is it? Do you really want to know the truth or are you happy with cleverly designed euphemisms that stifle our curiosities and ability to think for ourselves? We document our sources and distinguish between news, opinion, and statistics. "On the edge" is a spin off for my critical opinion pieces. For nearly a year we've brought you large volumes of information, if we discover information is inaccurate we issue an immediate retraction.

Open your mind. Dare to probe.

The "truth" doesn't always come in pretty packages. But "truth", not righteous ideals, will set you free.

In the words of Ronald Regan, "Trust, but verify."

Righteous indignation over Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions propelled George W. Bush into the White House in 2000.

What do you want? Truth or righteous ideals?

Friday, January 19, 2007

Lazy, Stupid Americans

Cecilia Poole

You would think in today's age of 'information access' through the internet & thankfully the few who still dare or care to report, that Americans would open their minds to see what is going on, put things into perspective, then exercise their 'rights' before they disappear!

Doesn't anyone get ill constantly hearing; "I don't want to waste my vote", "The North American Union is a radical conspiracy theory that can't happen", "They're doing jobs American's won't do"...

Who deviously convinced "the people" of these lies and turned us into such insipid dimwits we continue going "silently into the night" regurgitating these mindless mantras as accepted truths?

Who convinced you that you would "waste" your vote by casting it for a worthy opponent rather than the "lesser of two evils"? What are you 'conserving' by voting for someone you don't want in office? The evil? Who convinced you that you only have two choices? And who convinced you to become indignant, rather than curious if you hear something perhaps illicit?

How can you NOT know you have alternatives? How can Americans continually swallow the same spoon fed lies over and over again, without question?

If everyone who felt the "two" choices were either evil or evil would instead cast their perfectly good vote for a worthy contender we would get rid of the evil! And how can we possibly continue to disregard evidence that is so blatantly flaunted in our faces? It's irrational!

Is it true that we really don't have alternatives? Is there truly no way we can stop this tyranny, before it's too late? Or, are these thoughts & questions merely hysterical drama because they weren't fashioned by some cleverly designed opinion poll or other equally restrictive source?

Last spring America woke up to see MILLIONS of illegal aliens marching in our streets demanding full citizenship rights. These people didn't just arrive for the demonstrations, they simply came out of the shadows! They've been steadily marching in, essentially unchallenged; no, more comparably, received with a good, hearty "politically correct" American welcome for over 20 years!

If Americans had challenged and protested the audacity of anyone who would require us to "Press 1 for English" while living within our own country the first time we heard it we wouldn't have 12-20 Million illegal invaders today!

The 2006 election was a demonstration of protest & demand, but how thoroughly did we consider our actions? We were all very angry with the current administration and we heard a lot about the `do nothing congress'. But what did we really accomplish? Didn't we vote out quite a few of the `good guys' simply because they were on the 'right'? and didn't we leave in quite a few of the `bad guys' simply because they were on the left? Were those really our only choices or did we (again) just blindly 'obey' what we thought we heard?

How many times over the last several years have we flipped from side to side after disappointment & dishonor? Then we reminisce, "at least we didn't have..."

2008 is really not so far away. If, the American people don't soon realize it's not only our 'right' to exercise our Constitutional freedoms, but it's our duty as responsible citizens to protect and defend them, we will surely find ourselves looking around (again) wondering how the powers that be, you know that 'lesser evil' you keep voting in, reduced & usurped YOUR rights to mere privilege.

The damage over the last 6 years has been great, but this erosion has been going on for years! This 'regime' has simply been more blatant...doesn't that alone chill anyone's blood? Does that mean `they' believe we're already so completely under the `ether' it doesn't matter anymore?

Lazy, stupid Americans.

I used to take exception every time I saw a book for "Dummies", "Idiots", etc, or heard "stupid" or "lazy" Americans"…but if we don't, right now, realize "we" are allowing these atrocities to happen…well, "HUMAN CAPITAL", no wonder those books sell so well…

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.